[Guide] How to View Hidden Files on Mac: 5 Methods

My MacBook becomes slower and slower, but I have cleaned up the space, my friend suggests viewing hidden files, but how to show them on Mac? There are hidden files on Mac. Most of them are system and app files. Moreover, the malware hides the files on your hard drive too. Anyway, this guide tells you how to show and view hidden files on Mac laptops and computers. So that you can manage and control your storage easily.

Show Hidden Files Mac
Workable Solutions
Ultimate Method: A Professional Data Recovery Software Go to tutorial
Method 2 Use a Keyboard Shortcut Go to tutorial
Method 3 See Hidden Files via Finder Go to tutorial
Method 4 Reveal Hidden Files by Library Folder Go to tutorial
Method 5 Show Invisible Files with Terminal Go to tutorial

Part 1: Why Files Might Be Hidden on Mac

It is essential to understand why a part of files is hidden on Mac. In some cases, these files are involved with the system running including libraries and files, backend directories, and many more. The removal of these files can lead to serious problems, such as system crashes.

However, sometimes you need to view the hidden files or even access the hidden files in order to fix software errors. Of course, it is a way to make some space on your Mac by deleting hidden files if you know what they are exactly.

Part 2: How to Show Hidden Files on macOS

Ultimate Method: A Professional Data Recovery Software

Deleting hidden files on Mac could cause significant problems. In some cases, you have to delete hidden files to fix software errors or malfunctions. Moreover, you need to manually delete the hidden files installed by malware. Aiseesoft Mac Cleaner can help you simplify the job without technical skills

Method 2 Use a Keyboard Shortcut

Step 1.
Launch Finder and open up your Macintosh HD folder.
Step 2.
Press Command + Shift + Dot simultaneously to make hidden files become visible.
Step 3.
Navigate to the needed folder.
Step 4.
If you want to hide them again, repeat the Step 2.
Show Mac Hdden Files Keyboard

Method 3 See Hidden Files via Finder

Step 1.
Click on the Finder icon on the Dock or double-click the Finder app in the Applications folder.
Step 2.
Head to the Macintosh HD folder under Locations on the left side of the Finder app.

Tip: If you cannot find the Macintosh HD folder, go to the Finder menu, and choose Preferences. Head to the Sidebar tab on the Preferences dialog, check the box next to your computer name.

Find Folder
Step 3.
Press Command + Shift + **. Keys on your keyboard at the same time. Now, you can view the hidden files on Mac. When you want to stop showing hidden files on Mac, press the button combination again.
Show Hidden

Method 4 Reveal Hidden Files by Library Folder

Hidden Library
Step 1.
To view the hidden files in the Library folder, fire up the Finder app.
Step 2.
Head to the Go menu, and choose Go to Folder on the top ribbon. Enter ~/Library and click Go to open the Library folder. Then press the Command + Shift + **. keys at the same time to show hidden files in the Library folder.
Step 3.
To access the System Library folder, open the Macintosh HD folder in the Finder app, and open the System folder. Hold down the Command + Shift + **. Keys. Now, you will see the hidden files in the System Library folder.

Method 5 Show Invisible Files with Terminal

Hidden Library
Step 1.
If you cannot find the hidden files in the Finder app, open the Terminal app instead. You can search for the terminal in the Search bar and open it from the result list.
Terminal App
Step 2.
Copy the command defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles true, paste into the Terminal app and hit the Return key on your keyboard.
Command Line
Step 3.
Next, type killall Finder into the Terminal, and press the Return key again. Now, you can view the hidden files on Mac similar to normal files.

Note: To hide files again, perform the defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles false in the Terminal app.

Part 3. FAQs about Showing Hidden Files on Mac

How to hide files on Mac?

Apple has introduced the ability to hide a file or a folder in Mac. To prevent others from reading your private files, put them into a single folder. Open the Terminal app, type in the command chflags hidden, and drag and drop the target folder into the Terminal app. Now, the folder is hidden. You'd better write down the directory.

How to find the Minecraft folder on Mac?

Open your Finder app, click and expand the Go menu, and select Go to Folder. Copy and paste ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft into the box and press the Go button. Then the Minecraft folder will open on your screen.

How to clear temporary files on Mac?

Firstly, quit out of all actively open apps on your Mac. Run the Finder app, and hold down the SHIFT key on Sierra or OPTION/ALT key on earlier systems as well as pull down the Go menu at the same time. Choose Library on the list, find and open the Caches folder. Now, you can delete caches and temporary files according to your need.


This guide has discussed how to show hidden files on Mac. Most hidden files are related to the system running. Of course, you can hide your private documents on Mac too. There are multiple ways to view all hidden files on your hard drive and you can follow our guide to get what you want. Aiseesoft Mac Cleaner can delete hidden files on Mac easily. More questions? Please leave a message below this post.

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